The Spark Studio Buzz

Life as a fly in the Spark Studio is rather magical! As a fly, your antenna would hear beautiful sounds of productivity and creative play. As you buzz around the studio you’ll find chit-chat at the snack table, sweet humming as learners practice washing tables, imaginative story telling during creative play, and many many lessons with Montessori learning materials. Of course, Spark life is real life, and from time to time you’ll hear learners disagree and work through the tough-minded and warm-hearted process of communication. Don’t forget that catchy clean-up song and a few yoga poses each day! The buzz of the studio is beginning to find a rhythm and this past week learners have blossomed in their sense of ownership and responsibility for their studio learning. It’s been a week full of lift-offs and landings!

As this is our first Spark Studio Blog post we’d like to use this platform to share a bit more of your child’s life at Acton and answer a few questions you may have been scratching your head about. We’ve heard questions in our first survey and this blog is where we’ll do our best to share happenings in real time. Every week we’ll post here about pressing matters, how to Montessori/Acton at home, and more about AAO life. Here’s to our first go at this!

More to come!


Location Updates: Blue is Beautiful!